Hernan Linetzky M.: Pinguino antartico. Chinstrap Penguin. Pygoscelis antarctica.
manolohp77: Costa Quebrada, Spain
Terry Carew: Springbok Mother and Lamb
Stephen B53: Cuckoo incoming
Fat Burns ☮: lagoon creek - yellow-billed spoonbill Willow Warbler Singing
sharon.verkuilen: Lion cubs in the grass - Lewa Conservancy, Kenya (inExplore 6/5/24)
Obsies: Z92_0756-©MC
Terry Carew: Impala Ram Drinking
Obsies: Z91_5171-©MC (Explored)
Robert Fredagsvik - Norway: Storjo - Great Skua
Sheldrickfalls: In the rain
Ingrid Stuller: The "European praying mantis" (Mantis Religiosa) Die "Europäische Gottesanbeterin" (Mantis Religiosa)
Ingrid Stuller: Checkered female in morning light (overcast sky)
Ingrid Stuller: " Schwalbenschwanz " Papillio machaon
Ingrid Stuller: " The guard" A groundhog holds the fort, take good care of his family!
Ingrid Stuller: The bridge over the river
Ingrid Stuller: The magical world at our feet! 🌳 🍄
Ingrid Stuller: Where are my friends?
Ingrid Stuller: Whispers of light
Ingrid Stuller: The carpenter "great spotted woodpecker" (family Picidae)
Ingrid Stuller: Liverwort
Ingrid Stuller: Nature on your doorstep at the golden hour
Ingrid Stuller: Küchenschelle/Kuhschelle (Pulsatilla pratensis
Iza 222: Echasse blanche à la pêche !
BerColly: Le guêpier
bindubaba: Black and White Ruffed Lemur, Madagascar
Terry Carew: Yellow-Billed Duck Flight