peterwaller: Peyto Lake (Banff, Alberta, Canada)
sidewaysbob: Golden light beam
Shi Yu: First Rays
orvaratli: Eye of the Arctic
dereizigercronk: Schroeder - Lowland Gorilla
dereizigercronk: IMG_1098_b
Mike Plucker: Under The Bridge
IronRodArt - Royce Bair ("Star Shooter"): Milky Way over Chimney Rock
Rémi FERRIERI: Heartbeat
Rémi FERRIERI: Homothetic Aurora
roung_chang: 629A4099
roung_chang: AS2I9664
Tekila63: Cathédrale Notre Dame de l'Assomption - Clermont-Ferrand
Tekila63: Sunset view from the dragon's lair
Jack Lefor: TRNP Stars 1.3
Jack Lefor: Wind Canyon 3.5
Jack Lefor: TRNP Milky Way 4.15
Jack Lefor: Little Church on the Prairie 1.0
Dan_Fr: Before the storm
Ravi - 3R: The Wonder-er @ Al-Khazana
Alieno95: Santa Maria del Fiore
Alieno95: Diga del Gleno
f_bosquet: Hardelot Beach
Conrad Anthony: Road to Holden
Conrad Anthony: View from above the tree's
Conrad Anthony: The road less traveled
Danny Shrode: Zion Canyon
Dan Anderson.: prince purple - minnesota duluth engler tower - night stars
Doug Wallick: Minneapolis Reflections