Greg7: Northern Saw-whet Owl
Greg7: Northern Saw-whet Owl
Greg7: Spring has Sprung!
Greg7: Vancouver's "West End" at sunset
Greg7: Linda & Jim (not my photo - posted with Linda's permission)
Greg7: Canada Darner (Aeshna canadensis)
Greg7: Jane Doe
Greg7: Terracotta Warriors
Greg7: Flower Power
Greg7: Raven
Greg7: Land ho! We're comin' on home!
Greg7: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Greg7: Eastern Grey Squirrel
Greg7: Spotted Towhee
Greg7: Can anyone guess what's going on here?
Greg7: Boundary Bay scene
Greg7: Snowy Owls
Greg7: Witch-hazel
Greg7: New Award in memory of Jim!
Greg7: Red-eye
Greg7: Sunlit bridge
Greg7: False Creek light reflections
Greg7: electric car charging station
Greg7: Urban Eagle
Greg7: eclipsing moon
Greg7: Blown onto the beach!
Greg7: wooden boat
Greg7: Jim's Bench - great news!
Greg7: Mr. Mallard enjoys his bath
Greg7: The location of Jim's Bench