Billy & Andy: Oscar & Andy playing pool in the red room
Billy & Andy: The Prince pretending to run with the bulls (far less scary than Pamplona)
Billy & Andy: I'm pretty sure the Prince would win this "who's got the bigger balls?" contest
Billy & Andy: Obviously our steward had too much time on his hands
Billy & Andy: Honey, I think our water taxi is waiting
Billy & Andy: Unconventional view of the Ephesus library facade
Billy & Andy: Ephesus library facade detail
Billy & Andy: Morning catch on Mykonos
Billy & Andy: A Mykonos beach walk, taverna lunch and purchasing new wedding rings
Billy & Andy: A cool Topkapi palace corridor
Billy & Andy: Long abandoned Topkapi harem
Billy & Andy: Exquisite attention to architectural details even for outdoor spaces
Billy & Andy: The Prince and Ms. Texas hold court on a Bosporus cruise
Billy & Andy: Andy walks away from Instanbul's spice market with a backpack full of saffron
Billy & Andy: Justinian's cistern (Istanbul)
Billy & Andy: Medussan motif in Graeco-Roman architectural detail - 2
Billy & Andy: Medussan motif in Graeco-Roman architectural detail - 1
Billy & Andy: Unexpected splendor in Athens
Billy & Andy: Our obligatory Acropolis pose with the Parthenon backdrop
Billy & Andy: Ms. Texas and adipokine researcher boyfriend were an interesting pair of traveling companions
Billy & Andy: The ascent to the Acropolis was a lot like the lines at Disneyland
Billy & Andy: Mugging with the caryatids of the south porch of the Erechtheion
Billy & Andy: Archeological site tours often present other sights of interest
Billy & Andy: The famous bronze of Zeus in the National Archeological Museum of Athens
Billy & Andy: Ms. Texas, a Belgian Prince, and a Greek god--now that's an unlikely ménage à trois
Billy & Andy: Exquisite Minoan pottery
Billy & Andy: Bidding adieu to La Serenissima
Billy & Andy: Every view in Venice is breathtaking
Billy & Andy: Venice's long slow decline creates visual wonder at every turn
Billy & Andy: Hard to imagine a better pairing: Lake Bled castle (Slovenia) and the muscled derriere of a Pletna boatman