Billy & Andy: First blooms, then the leafy photosynthetic factories
Billy & Andy: Peach trunk breakthrough
Billy & Andy: A posey adorns each gnarly branch
Billy & Andy: Ferocious fractal fecundity
Billy & Andy: Sweet dreams are made of this...
Billy & Andy: Citrus and apricot - a winning combination for a sauce with poultry
Billy & Andy: We're hoping for a bumper crop of bloodoranges next season (the stingy tree only offered a single desiccated fruit last season)
Billy & Andy: Perhaps we should install the patron saint of fruit trees in our roof line niche to ensure the makings of apricot jam come summer
Billy & Andy: Seasons of citrus tree fecundity often overlap
Billy & Andy: Fruiting exuberance ready for harvest
Billy & Andy: The new spring crop emerges
Billy & Andy: An out of season blossom remains from our trailing rose
Billy & Andy: A riot of color and structure create a macro still life
Billy & Andy: The gopher plant's beautiful stamens and pollen cases appear
Billy & Andy: Euphorbia and friends
Billy & Andy: An early gerannium blossom cluster
Billy & Andy: The immortal (?) chocolate mint we've shepherded for as long as we've been a couple
Billy & Andy: Tubac's Shelby's Restaurant does a capital chicken dish with lavendar
Billy & Andy: Walkway miniature rose already flourishing
Billy & Andy: Somewhere there's a hive of bees making lavendar honey
Billy & Andy: Russian sage bed recovering
Billy & Andy: Pomegranate bark color and texture study - 3
Billy & Andy: Pomegranate bark color and texture study - 1
Billy & Andy: Pomegranate bark color and texture study - 2
Billy & Andy: Last year's unharvested pomegranates remains
Billy & Andy: The pomegranate trunks molting like a snake skin
Billy & Andy: First palm bloom stalk sighted
Billy & Andy: Front courtyard still somewhat barren
Billy & Andy: Almost missed this first spring 2015 backyard cactus bloom
Billy & Andy: The desert willow is just beginning to bloom