Billy & Andy: Retracing our course at a brisk 34 miles per hour (according to the iPhone app)
Billy & Andy: The Prince and the Captain discuss dinner options
Billy & Andy: The light keeps getting better and better
Billy & Andy: Unexpected wall surface detail
Billy & Andy: Cave interior walls
Billy & Andy: Looking regal even after a long day
Billy & Andy: View from inside the shallow lakeside cave
Billy & Andy: A portal beckons our quartet to explore
Billy & Andy: Handsome Jarod relaxes between his second mate's duties
Billy & Andy: The Prince exults in the natural beauty of Lake Powell
Billy & Andy: The afternoon light paints the canyon walls with dappled colors
Billy & Andy: The Old Irishman stays aboard to keep his camera dry
Billy & Andy: The ballet corp finishes with a synchronized kick
Billy & Andy: The water ballet evolves into a ménage à trois
Billy & Andy: An aquatic pas de deux
Billy & Andy: Jarod multi-tasking
Billy & Andy: More views of Glen Canyon walls
Billy & Andy: Jarod judges the July Lake Powell waters just right for a dip
Billy & Andy: Beautiful surrounds in every direction
Billy & Andy: Scoping out some shallow water for a swim
Billy & Andy: Billy and Captain Eric mugging for the camera
Billy & Andy: Eric, the proud Captain of our speedboat, The Four Winns
Billy & Andy: Jarod and Andy occupy the sunny rumble seats
Billy & Andy: Colorado River-sculpted walls of Glenn Canyon
Billy & Andy: Andy & Jarod, ready for a day on the water
Billy & Andy: Anybody for a margarita supper?
Billy & Andy: Billy enjoy's the B & B front yard view
Billy & Andy: A DreamKatchers rose
Billy & Andy: DreamGuy Eric in a rare moment of relaxation during B & B high season
Billy & Andy: Patio breakfast with the DreamGuyz