Billy & Andy: This nameless beauty almost went unnoticed in a patio pot
Billy & Andy: Only red and yellow blossoms on the Red Bird, but which blend into orange when viewed from a distance
Billy & Andy: Our beautiful crepe myrtle makes a chemical oddity
Billy & Andy: "Red" (often called Mexican) bird of paradise (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) and crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia subcostata)
Billy & Andy: The neighbor's blooming saguaro backed by a palo verde tree
Billy & Andy: The most robust bloom of saguaros in the Tucson, AZ area in three years
Billy & Andy: This Trichocereus bud will probably bloom tonight
Billy & Andy: At close quarters an alien landscape emerges
Billy & Andy: Queen for a day
Billy & Andy: Intricate bloom interior of a Trichocereus hybrid "Big Bertha"
Billy & Andy: Late blooming transplant
Billy & Andy: Big Bertha's normal exterior
Billy & Andy: Windstorm toppled saguaro creates havoc in a neighbor's yard
Billy & Andy: Birds frequent the ocotillo dining room in early spring
Billy & Andy: Immature pomegranate fruit
Billy & Andy: Morning sun colors a giant begonia leaf
Billy & Andy: Aloes protect their soothing juices with painful spines
Billy & Andy: For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face...
Billy & Andy: Bird harbor entrance in our pyracantha hedge
Billy & Andy: Saguaro blooms topside view
Billy & Andy: The saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea,) blossom is the State Wildflower of Arizona.
Billy & Andy: Our ocotillo in full flower
Billy & Andy: Birds and bee's eye view
Billy & Andy: Trichocereus in yellow, instead of usual white
Billy & Andy: Blooms of our desert willow (Chilopsis linearis)
Billy & Andy: Blooms of our front yard pomegranates (Punica granatum)
Billy & Andy: Perhaps this oddity came from the cave of the Graeae consulted by Perseus--but which one of them has the eye?
Billy & Andy: Elegant, more restrained night bloomer
Billy & Andy: Volunteer double pink hollyhock
Billy & Andy: Patio gate trichocereus hybrid 'Big Bertha" keeps putting on a show