greenie11*: Never Fade Away
greenie11*: Anna Scott: "For June who loved this garden, from Joseph who always sat beside her." Some people do spend their whole lives together.
greenie11*: Frozen in Porcelain Skin
greenie11*: The Truth
greenie11*: All the Pieces will fall into Place,.. One Day
greenie11*: Strangers in the Night
greenie11*: summer stories
greenie11*: don't give up the fight, you will be alright
greenie11*: We can Conquer the World
greenie11*: Chemistry*
greenie11*: my world : the theatre
greenie11*: where am I heading to?
greenie11*: The Ritz vs. The Economist
greenie11*: The fog that surrounded me
greenie11*: ..all but a distant memory..
greenie11*: The Fog and I
greenie11*: So much Emptiness I feel like drowning .. This is Goodbye
greenie11*: As the evening fell over Leeds..
greenie11*: I wanna dance with somebody