ma[mi]losa: Campi Salentina, 2013
Dean Moulton: Barn owl
m@yphotos: Barrow in Bodie
Robert Aycock: Sun Ray Sunset, EXPLORED #34
kasa51: No Santa Claus or green cheese on the moon [explored]
Musée McCord Stewart Museum: Thomas McCord's house "The Grange," built in 1819 and situated opposite Black's Bridge, at the first lock of the Lachine Canal, Nazareth Fief, Montreal, QC, 1872
Jack's Foto: Kitesurf
Jack's Foto: Red Passion
© ..untitled..
Clyde Barrett: Autumn Landscape
Luigi Photo: .....aggirarsi di ombre nella notte.......
ROSSANA76 Getty Images Contributor: chiesa di san francesco
gzammarchi: P1000115
Eric.....: The lane
mari4ever Marinella: 33.......evvai!!!!!!
Jack's Foto: Verso nuovi orizzonti
Jack's Foto: TDO Concert
♥ Percy 59 ♥: Conchiglie
eugeniobld... intermittente: L'alba del mondo !
Eric.....: Follow
chrisfriel: shadows #2
zaffiro81: Siam qui !
Eric.....: Down in the valley
King Midas Touch*: Maratea_illicini
Eric.....: Country lane