whatmarcsees: Flying Riley
S R W: Bluebottle fly
Ruahine Tramper: Lunch on the Tops
Steve Reekie: Acanthucus trispinifer ~ Horned Tree Hopper
Khurram Khan...: Dig in...
frieda6688: 2013.11.19 楔尾伯劳(Chinese Grey Shrike) Lanius sphenocercus
StevieC - Photography: Wet and Wild
kristine913: Off fishing
frieda6688: 2013.11.16 褐马鸡(Brown Eared Pheasant)Crossoptilon mantchuricum
frieda6688: 2013.08.24 乌鹟(Dark-sided Flycatcher)(imm)  Muscicapa sibirica
frieda6688: 2013.8.20 白鹭 dark moroh(黑暗变形)(Little Egret )Egretta garzetta
S R W: Great Tit
Petrolhead2011: NZ Kingfisher (Kotare)
Ruahine Tramper: Stewart Island Robin
Khurram Khan...: Inquisitive....
frieda6688: 2013.5.15 星头啄木鸟(Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker ) Dendrocopos canicapillus
frieda6688: 2013.5.15 环颈鸻(Kentish Plover) Charadrius alexandrinus
StevieC - Photography: Help Ma' Boab
Steve Attwood: black-billed gull (juvenile) - Larus bulleri
frieda6688: 2013.5.9 栗颈噪鹛(Rufous-necked) Garrulax ruficollis
S R W: Honey bee macro
frieda6688: 2013.5.9 红嘴相思鸟 (Leiothrix lutea) Red-billed Leiothrix
Orpinbleu: The Violet Dropwing
jt893x: Great Egret
StevieC - Photography: Kite In Flight
frieda6688: 2013.5.8 栗喉蜂虎(Blue-tailed Bee-eater) Merops philippinus
frieda6688: 2013.5.9 暗绿绣眼 (Japanese White-eye) Zosterops japonicus