BLM Nevada: Indian Paintbrush Hap by Virginia Catherall
JLSideri: Shortcut
amras_de: Auf, meine Seel', wir wollen gehn
Wackelaugen: in a hurry
der_peste (on/off): Farewell, Flickr
Vlado iz Ferovca: Juvenile Great Horned Owl
Luxtra: Taking Root
Mariano Belmar Torrecilla: Luz de invierno
Jacky Parker Photography: Spring Reverie
Mandy Disher: Chamomile
Mandy Disher: Autumn
Mandy Disher: Star of bethlehem
Yuri Figuenick Home is where the heart is. --Pliny the Elder
Sh4un65_Artistry: Your Best Thoughts Come at Night
Alberto Guillen1: The Color of Spring
Alberto Guillen1: Morning Coffee
Alberto Guillen1: Unas Peras
Alberto Guillen1: I Found One
Alberto Guillen1: Incantevole
Alberto Guillen1: Inchiesta
Alberto Guillen1: Per Amicizia
rosiebondi: A Wave Of People Shooting - December 2014
gabsauro: Pentax K2 - Fuji Superia X-tra 400 - 028