torhalla: MyFlickrYear2023 Photo
torhalla: Textures
torhalla: 20231015_095056
torhalla: Lucky shot
torhalla: Boardwalk revision at Silver Lake
torhalla: 20230809070936
Kipling West2.0: Today I cut off all the Covid hair
Kipling West2.0: Sewn hair
Kipling West2.0: Does this count
torhalla: 🌻
torhalla: 20230730_151621
torhalla: 20230730_193516
Yaroslav Gerzhedovich: Smouldering Soul
torhalla: yarrow 20230708_110040
torhalla: 20230708_192654(0)
torhalla: 20230708_104052
Don Kenneth: Råge, Rook, Saatkrähe (Corvus frugilegus)-2373
torhalla: 20230616_082518
torhalla: 20230616211229
torhalla: This is the color these really are! 20230616211700
torhalla: Route 31 drive
torhalla: Picsart_23-04-14_15-08-43-854
torhalla: The creek hasn't been this full in a while
Kipling West2.0: Demon Bunny on envelope
torhalla: GoodMorning
Kipling West2.0: Why Dost Thou Not Take Aught Stock In Me My Valentine
torhalla: Crystal grid by my grandson 20221226_090748
Kipling West2.0: Justice - Father Christmas
Kipling West2.0: The Star: Turoń
Kipling West2.0: The Tower: Baba Yaga's Hut