Grant Neufeld: Grant Neufeld speaking on the steps of the Alberta Legislature
Grant Neufeld: George Read at Housing Rally
Grant Neufeld: George Read
Grant Neufeld: George Read
Grant Neufeld: George Read at Disability Pride Parade
Grant Neufeld: Polar Bear Ice Sculpture
Grant Neufeld: Green Volunteers at Earth Day Carnival
Grant Neufeld: George Read, leader of the Green Party of Alberta
Grant Neufeld: Statement on the Polar Bear Ice Sculpture
Grant Neufeld: The family that protests together…
Grant Neufeld: George Read, Leader of the Green Party of Alberta
Grant Neufeld: George Read, Leader of the Green Party of Alberta
Grant Neufeld: Green Party of Alberta Policy Convention
Grant Neufeld: Susan: Raging Grannie
Grant Neufeld: Greens at the Peace Rally
Grant Neufeld: Greens Say No To War
Grant Neufeld: Green Party of Alberta AGM, 2006
Grant Neufeld: David from the Green Party of Alberta
Grant Neufeld: Mark, working on his sunburn
Grant Neufeld: Local Greens & Elizabeth May
Grant Neufeld: Local Greens & Elizabeth May
Grant Neufeld: Local Greens & Elizabeth May
Grant Neufeld: Local Greens & Jim Fannon
Grant Neufeld: Phil & I
Grant Neufeld: Mel Teghtmeyer & Jim Fannon
Grant Neufeld: David Chernushenko, Green Party leadership candidate
Grant Neufeld: Elizabeth May, Green Party leadership candidate
Grant Neufeld: At the end of the Green Party leadership debate
Grant Neufeld: Taking a bow at the end of the Green Party leadership debate
Grant Neufeld: Green Party of Canada Leaders Debate