Grant Neufeld: CLOSED: event use only
Grant Neufeld: Are we entitled to economic prosperity at any cost?
Grant Neufeld: CivicCamp Open Data flip chart
Grant Neufeld: Take Back The Night 2010
Grant Neufeld: Solidarity Rally! Venezuelan Bolivarian Democracy vs. Harper Hypocrisy
Grant Neufeld: Solidarity Rally! Venezuelan Bolivarian Democracy vs. Harper Hypocrisy
Grant Neufeld: Bow River Flow Press Conference: Clean Calgary
Grant Neufeld: Bow River Flow Press Conference: HSCA
Grant Neufeld: Calgary Critical Mass — June 2009
Grant Neufeld: Democracy with ballots not bullets
Grant Neufeld: Stop violence in Iran
Grant Neufeld: Iran Rally in Calgary - 24
Grant Neufeld: Iran Rally in Calgary - 23
Grant Neufeld: Iran Rally in Calgary - 22
Grant Neufeld: Iran Rally in Calgary - 21
Grant Neufeld: The spirit of democracy…
Grant Neufeld: This Election was a Sham(e)
Grant Neufeld: Stop Killing People
Grant Neufeld: Free Iran — No More Lies
Grant Neufeld: Stop Killing Our Students
Grant Neufeld: Stop Killing Our Brothers
Grant Neufeld: Democracy for Iran…
Grant Neufeld: Iran Rally in Calgary - 13
Grant Neufeld: Iran Rally in Calgary - 12
Grant Neufeld: Iran Rally in Calgary - 11
Grant Neufeld: In the memory of Iranians who were killed for freedom
Grant Neufeld: Wanted
Grant Neufeld: No More Lies
Grant Neufeld: Democracy & Freedom…
Grant Neufeld: Shame on you dictator, leave our Iran free!