grandin: Lunch... And there's another.
grandin: New Shoes #fb
grandin: On the Fango, near Manso. Warm water and hot red granite. I'll take this to the beach anyday. #fb
grandin: Apparat at Calvi #fb
grandin: Metronomy On The Rocks #fb
grandin: Fuckyeahcorsica #fb
grandin: Dance is Sweat. #fb
grandin: Hercules and Love Affair absolutely destroying the first night at #calviontherocks #fb
grandin: Corsican ghetto-prop. #fb
grandin: VACATION! Now boarding for Calvi (on the Rocks) via Nice. Wooooot! #fb
grandin: At @centquatre "Pecha Kucha" night. Fascinating talk on future #HCI of air traffic control that mixes RW mimetics and multitouch #futureinterfaces
grandin: Inside the Grande Palais for Monumenta x Richie Hawtin. #fetedelamusique
grandin: Nothing tops a Sunday ride like stumbling into a banlieue carnivale.
grandin: We went to Cap Ferret an made some land art.
grandin: At zee beech.
grandin: I bought a bike and it is PURE CLASSE!
grandin: Climbing scaffolds 4 beers deep? Highly recommended.
grandin: Dinner at Grandma's - Wild pigeon with caramelized cabbage. A rich, ferrous flavor. Nom.
grandin: Foie Gras stuffed figs.
grandin: Happy Cinqo de Mayo - and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!
grandin: This is the future: livechat customer service from @Bluehost (thx T.T. & Skyler) on an iPad in a train in France!
grandin: In the foyer historique of Gaité Lyrique. Why this is not ground-zero for Parisian digerati to relax or have a drink is beyond me.
grandin: fap : noun, acronym for the French magicians' professional association. noun, onomatopoeia for the sound of male masturbation
grandin: Herbs for 3€ at Le Marche des Enfants-Rouge. These will be going into the kitchen.
grandin: #fuckyeah3G
grandin: Techno city.
grandin: Junebug. On me. In April. No.
grandin: Regatta, picnic, bronze in the Bois de Bourgeois.
grandin: Kicking off a conf on Remote Research with @boltron at #UXParis
grandin: The Saddest Sit'n'Spin