grafxnerd: Commission ✔️
grafxnerd: Layering layering layering. Working with the transparency and forms that come to life as the layers build is one of my favorite parts of the process.
grafxnerd: What are you up to this Thursday? I’ll be hanging at @covehq in Dupont from 630-830 with a new collection of pieces, a few shown here. Perhaps you’d like to stop by? @artseedc
grafxnerd: Sent some pieces on a journey up the road today. They’ll be part of a show with a few other DC-area women artists. It’ll be a colorful show, if what I saw in the moving van was any indication. ✌️
grafxnerd: A few pieces hanging out at @covehq in Dupont Circle. ✌️ - DM for purchasing inquiries
grafxnerd: Ohai. So I unintentionally keep taking Instagram breaks. But new year, new commissions for two lovely couples in the DC area, might mean I’ll actually post regularly again. Likely not since 2018 seems to be the year of shrug.gif for me. 😛
grafxnerd: Oof. I haven’t picked up a paintbrush in quite some time. My life bounces between painting and design freelancing and we are HEAVY in the latter right now, thus the radio silence. Popping in to say hello, there’s still time to get some art for gifts and I
grafxnerd: Worked with local designer @tayloredwardsinteriors to add a literal splash of color to this beautiful, minimal, masculine space.
grafxnerd: I don't know what it is about this time of year but I find myself wanting to just hide from the world. Maybe it's the known obligations of the holidays? Do you get like that?
grafxnerd: Lovely marks from the Decay series. | 9x12, $85 shipped. DM for deets or comment sold to purchase.
grafxnerd: Getting a bunch of new work ready for @covehq in Dupont! Man, the difference a frame makes! 🙌
grafxnerd: One of my favorites that's still available! DM for deets or find it on the website.
grafxnerd: I don't normally work with orange. I use it to mix into other colors but never by itself. I guess it's like purple in that regard. Beautiful when the shade is right but THE WORST when it's wrong. ‍♀️
grafxnerd: This babe hangs over my bed waiting to come home to you. DM for inquiries. ✌️
grafxnerd: Exploring transparency.
grafxnerd: These small pieces from the Decay series are great for that random narrow wall in your home. Available online or via DM. — 9x12, $85. Frame not included.
grafxnerd: This is one of my favorites from this new series. She's still available! $160 shipped. 18x24 paper. Frame not included. DM me if interested!
grafxnerd: I've considered myself a procrastination queen since... middle school? There's something about a looming deadline that kicks me into gear. How do you overcome procrastination? . Another fave from the Decay series. 18x24 as well as prints! Now if I can qui
grafxnerd: Only about 6 more pieces to scan and prep before the launch. This is one of my favorites, completely unexpected results. The original, as well as prints, will be available for sale.
grafxnerd: Unintentional hiatus last week! Sometimes I just get so focused on one thing that everything else overwhelms me. So Instagram had to fall to the back burner. However! I am super close to launching the Decay collection!
grafxnerd: Getting closer folks. Doing a print inspection today and hoping to launch the collection next Wednesday!
grafxnerd: Thinking of doing prints of this one—what do you think?
grafxnerd: I am really dragging my feet on this series. Trying to get everything scanned so I can offer prints of a few pieces but that means scanning 6 parts of the bigger ones and stitching them together. Thank goodness for 15 years worth of Photoshop experience!
grafxnerd: The edges are my favorite.
grafxnerd: I've noticed that all of my pieces inevitably have some shade of pink in them. It used to be bright pink and now it's a pale pink. Compositions feel off without it. What color do you gravitate to?
grafxnerd: Working on a slew of minis for their debut next month. What color should I add next? 🤔
grafxnerd: So many mini canvases being worked on this week! What are you working on that excites you?
grafxnerd: The new collection, 'Decay', will have some big pieces as well as smaller ones. Photographing those today. Hoping for early Oct release at the rate I'm going. 😂
grafxnerd: It's this (not so) little lady's birthday today! She's been with me for 9 of her 10 years, sharing in my ups and downs. She knows when I'm sad and when I'm going to the kitchen (sometimes they are correlated). Here's to 10 more, Kira! 😺
grafxnerd: Prepping this new paper collection, 'Decay'. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter to hear about the release first! #linkinbio