Moody Fotografi:
Sunset with a Saab 2000 #travel
Rich (Sparky_R):
El Malpais National Monument
Melissa Kung:
Lazuli bunting 7D668522 ( 08/13/16 # 36 )
Patrick Ng:
Dulton Dulpedia eyeglass stand I borrowed for photo-shooting. Will spend hours re-packing things back to their original packaging. #dulton #eyeglass #desk
Patrick Ng:
Naughty kid! #Panam #brasspen #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #plane #presierfigurines #presier
Patrick Ng:
Indulged myself with a bit of audio and visual blues this afternoon. It's gonna be a long night for work so I'm heading to sleep for a few hours now. #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #blue #coffee #buddylee #dulton #pen #pencil #paper #leather #Panam
Scratch Off
Patrick Ng:
That's my DC-3 Pan Am plane on top of the Pan Am and blue edition. Nice afternoon light and warm homey lamp. #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #panam #plane #stationery #stationeryporn
Street Mirage
Patrick Ng:
Kid bought his first cup of #coffee at camp, brought back the cup coz "it is precious". He drew a Happybucks logo, I painted it for him. We had many precious projects like this. #kid #parenting #watercolor #cup