fonzi74/gbCrates: #Sofology, #Chucky & #Keops in my livingroom! Yaay!
JellyBeast: DSC_0029
JellyBeast: DSC_0054
satanslilhelper: Graffiti trains
satanslilhelper: Graffiti trains
satanslilhelper: UHA '94 - '14
satanslilhelper: Danish trains
satanslilhelper: Danish trains
satanslilhelper: Everybody's got their own arrow!
satanslilhelper: Everybody's got their own arrow!
satanslilhelper: Everybody's got their own arrow!
satanslilhelper: Red steel - catch me if you can pigs?
satanslilhelper: Red steel - catch me if you can pigs?
satanslilhelper: Red steel - catch me if you can pigs?
satanslilhelper: Red steel - catch me if you can pigs?
satanslilhelper: Graffiti kbh
satanslilhelper: Graffiti meat sandwich
satanslilhelper: Graffiti writers are great runners
satanslilhelper: Runners, runners, runners!
satanslilhelper: DSC_0268
satanslilhelper: b-b-b-BIG
satanslilhelper: Graffiti meat sandwich
satanslilhelper: Graffiti meat sandwich
satanslilhelper: Copenhagen train graffiti
satanslilhelper: Hjulene på toget drejer rundt, rundt, rundt!
en-ri: sabbath bloody sabbath
satanslilhelper: Copenhagen graffiti trains - don't stop the body rock
satanslilhelper: DSC_0023
en-ri: straight out the jungle
en-ri: acta non verba