sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Canada Day Fireworks
DocChewbacca: Darth Stradivarius
DocChewbacca: Axes
krisdecurtis: Una Chicca di . . . Caffè!
zio paperino: Grrrr !!!
Sneddonia: Green Witchy Dangle - a beaded Halloween decoration
Breanna Boyer: IMG_4670
Breanna Boyer: Copy (2) of IMG_5339
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): You know what to do!
rosy outlook photography: "It is the artist's business to create sunshine when the sun fails"
shutterbirds: womanly
thebigd516: IMG_4521
rosy outlook photography: Benny, the disgruntled bear
rosy outlook photography: Chinese New Year 2010
Tyler Hernandez: Squirrel!
rosy outlook photography: All in the name of a good cause
rosy outlook photography: What's your coffee break like?
TheBigWRanch12: "Are You Looking At Me?"
TheBigWRanch12: Pygmy Goat Doeling
mojo621: Lilly Detail
Dustin Diaz: Day Two Hundred Twenty Four
NKP Images: Veronica