faltsucht: snowflake von jared needle 38mm
TigTab: Auguries of Innocence
Katy Kristin: Mushroom Paste Up
rettgrayson: map birds paste up
visual-stimulus: paste-up jellyfish
Pepe Alfonso: Paste Up hormigas
drew*in*chicago: Meyer Lemon
refabulous: Grow pincushion with fancy bunny pin
refabulous: monarch butterfly
Catherine Rosselle: work in progress - Daffodils
Catherine Rosselle: Le bonheur est dans le pré
ketutar: Marie Claire embroidery
Dani_Freire: Guardanapos
Dani_Freire: Stumpwork
Penny Nickels: Trilobite Triptych
sunegfywhitr: embroidery tiger