kkfung20462046: IMG_4623s
Patissonne: Somewhere over the rainbow
royshep very busy: Lilac Breasted Roller
kkfung20462046: P4201368~可樂小玩意
kkfung20462046: IMG_7700~六,七十年代,招牌字是厚木鎅成凸字上色的
kkfung20462046: IMG_7650~旺角是這樣過馬路的
Tony Baldwinson: Goldfinch ....
kkfung20462046: IMG_9993~樹的生活空間
kkfung20462046: IMG_7546~姻緣成就
Beetlestone: Fall into Spring
haroldtang: IMG_1522
pkfotolee: DSC_5945(李花)
pkfotolee: DSC_4737A煙花匯演2012
pkfotolee: DSC_4740A煙花匯演2012
fathercheuk: DSC_0123
fathercheuk: DSC_0458
haroldtang: IMG_2244
royshep very busy: Across Humber from North Bank. (near bridge)
haroldtang: IMG_0446
haroldtang: IMG_0482
Beetlestone: moss creek
Beetlestone: Chewing serves to steady nerves!
kkfung20462046: IMG_9595~光合作用
Tony Baldwinson: Heading home .........
Beetlestone: Yellow Garden Spider
sowoma: DSC08962
kkfung20462046: PA201895
kkfung20462046: IMG_9114~開封有個包青天 是非忠奸辯分明