sheimagines909: Before class... Enjoying this fall weather:) #goodmood
sheimagines909: Such a fun day:)
sheimagines909: Short! #itsanewday :)
sheimagines909: I am really hating this place right now... #eyedoc
sheimagines909: #rainyday
sheimagines909: Oy vey... I miss this guy <3 @justin_stevens :)
sheimagines909: I love #lamp
sheimagines909: Ready for #fall :) #warbyparker
sheimagines909: My new kick ass lunch box thanks to Nichols:) #beatles #mylunchisbetterthanyours
sheimagines909: In the sunroom, #reading, and I feel #fall coming:)
sheimagines909: Major #rainstorm right now... #unexpected #studyweather
sheimagines909: #study #snack :) #hummus #carrots
sheimagines909: My little bedside table... Rosemary an all:)
sheimagines909: Always early... #fsu #morning
sheimagines909: Taking a break, documenting my afternoon... #reading #writing #afternooncoffee #kickinggradschoolintheass
sheimagines909: I got to visit my little ginger button head today:) boy do I miss her! #puppy #love #Ruby
sheimagines909: #tea #cheese #crackers ... The cure for a hard days night <3
sheimagines909: #tea #cheese #crackers ... The cure for a long and winding day <3
sheimagines909: Totally not on purpose... I was just meant to e a #nolegirl;) #fsu #nofilter #meanttobe
sheimagines909: My rainy day afternoon. #coffee #rainyday
sheimagines909: Frosted #rain #drops
sheimagines909: First rain storm at my new house:) and it's a doozy! #rain #storm #cozy #newlife
sheimagines909: Awesome memories:) can't wait to do this again!
sheimagines909: Those model types... Sheesh. #cat
sheimagines909: New tervis:) she's a Nole now:)
sheimagines909: #sleepy #puppy :)
sheimagines909: Taking care of my hands these days... Tedious but worth it:) #nails #girlmoment
sheimagines909: Hehe #toffee #cat #goofy
sheimagines909: She takes my spot every time I get up... Hehe... But you can't be mad at this face;) #puppy face