grace_em: Portrait of my sister.
grace_em: Grand plans, I suppose.
grace_em: A 300 gram token of my day at "the office". Had a smidge of leftover campagne dough and made a baby loaf. Snacks!
grace_em: Discard bowl. Cooking from the #Jerusalem book by #Ottolenghi and Tamimi.
grace_em: Foundation for roast chicken
grace_em: Chocolate chip snack for Saturday afternoon
grace_em: Late afternoon
grace_em: Walter's Breakfast
grace_em: Cherries
grace_em: Workplaces
grace_em: Wondering about Dad
grace_em: Feel like Summer
grace_em: Of bread and fermented beginings
grace_em: Pasadena
grace_em: Sunset 5:04
grace_em: Dusk
grace_em: Sunset
grace_em: Rose Parade NYE, Orange Grove Blvd.
grace_em: Lord Windsor Roasters
grace_em: upload
grace_em: I'll be sad when the season is over.
grace_em: Sombrero
grace_em: #filterless
grace_em: #filterless
grace_em: upload
grace_em: The assortment
grace_em: Gingerbread cookies
grace_em: Kuaui
grace_em: Kuaui