Stephen Maycock: Forever Autumn
Rob Woodcox: When The World Burns Around Us
ginaballerina.: It takes an ocean
Elizabeth Gadd: The Woodland Graveyard
Anna Heimkreiter: Silent heartbeats
Cameron John Sarradet: 16/365: Control
Mary Jo.: 90/100
-Little Voice-: sarah haley
serhenity: The opposite side of the Sea
Julia Trotti: tall dreams
Brittney Borowski: 1 Timothy 1:19
Brittney Borowski: Psalm 56:8
Elizabeth Gadd: Journey of Existence
joshuamalik: Rescuer
Austin Tott: I Am Not Permanent.
Benjamin Holtrop: float a little above this difficult world
Gabrielle Shamon: The Wild Flower
Ethan Coverstone: Statues of Us