gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Free Library of Philadelphia
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Levels of stacks in FLP
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Grand staircase history
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
The grand staircase at FLP
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Entering the Rare Book Dept.
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Original Beatrix Potter pieces
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Nuremburg Bible
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Cool old books
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Handwritten copy of Poe's "Annabel Lee"
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Browsing an Old Card Catalog
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Cuniform tablets
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
The Sacred Spaces exhibit
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Lovely Illumination
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Itsy Bitsy Bible
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Reading / Map room
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Liesbeth checks out the OPACs
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Fountain at Logan Square
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Logan Square Fountain, looking down the BF Parkway at City Hall
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Firestone Library, Princeton U
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Pondering the gallery
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University
gottasharepics (Kathy Dempsey):
Princeton University