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Coast 2 Coast. Bethune Middle School 4/25/12
LATC Coast 2 Coast Bethune Practice
Coast 2 Coast Swim Challenge 5/22/11 pm
Coast 2 Coast Swim Challenge 5/22/11
Coast 2 Coast Swim Challenge 5/22/11 part 1
Celeb Life Magazine 10/24/10 Women's Conference
Los Angeles Triathlon 10/3/10
Tears For Fears @The Wiltern 3/22/10
LATC LA Marathon Bike Pacing 3/21/10 1
Dec 16, 2009
Ironman Coeur d'Alene 6/27/10 Big
UCLA vs Houston 9/18/10
Ozzfest w/ Motley Crue August 2010
LATC YEP 12/05/09
Tower 26 Coach G. 8/28/09
LA Tri Club--OSC Wed. 6am9/2/09
LATC OSC 7/16/09
Swim, strides, suds and buoy shots 7/1/09
Hermosa Beach Volleyball / /09
LATC "Buoy shots" OSC and Ocean 101 7/16/09
1st Thursday Finn McCools 11/05/09
Fong Fun Run 11/5/09
Ironman Arizona 11/22/09
LATC Griffith Park Brick Tuesdays
LATC 1st Thursday 7/2/09
LATC PCH 101 and Tri Lab Grand Opening in Santa Monica 7/14/09
LATC "Pushing the Limits." 8/26/09 Santa Monica Library
Malibu Triathlon 9/13/09
ECFA Fire Control 3 11/20/09
ECFA Palos Verdes Hike 11/17/09
ECFA Putting up the "125" on the TOWER
Flash Chamber ECFA Class 125
Women's Conference 10/27/09
Steve's Halloween Party 10/24/09
LA TRI Picnic Malibu 8/16/09
Cheryl's B-day @ Steve's
1st Thus. Century City 8/6/09
Strawberry Fields Triathlon (all photos) 7/19/09
Strawberry Fields Triathlon 7/19/09
LATC Warehouse Sale, Brick, Ian's Transition Talk 6/20/09
LA Marathon Bike Pacing 5/25/09 Memorial Day
Ocean Speedo Circuit 6/10/09
Redondo Beach Triathlon 6/14/09
Chicken of the Sea 6/21/09
Ocean Speed Circuit Buoy Waterproof Cam
Lance Armstrong---Hope Rides Again 2009