gorade: spadderdock
gorade: Birch pollen
gorade: Ash breaking out by the canal
gorade: Trade mark?😠
gorade: Common polypodium
gorade: Alien object?
gorade: Framing the tulips
gorade: Vulgar beauty
gorade: Hiding until we burst into bloom
gorade: Different daffodils
gorade: Soft avenue
gorade: Bulrushes again
gorade: More bulrushes
gorade: Harrow
gorade: Once a power station
gorade: Just before the leaves emerge
gorade: Some sun reaches the river
gorade: Daffodil in profile
gorade: Snowdrops hoping for an early pollinator to appear
gorade: Speeding home
gorade: Icing
gorade: Bridge in the greeneryl
gorade: Hieracium)
gorade: A glimpse from the sun
gorade: Passing
gorade: Juno sistership of Diana
gorade: Not an unusual motive those days
gorade: Sparse water in summer
gorade: Forsakar valley
gorade: Damp