Smooth_O: Uzbekistan
maklella89: 234 Uganda, from David
Smooth_O: Afghanistan
adam79: Tomb of Hafez, Shiraz, Fars in Iran
adam79: Valiasr Square in Tehran, Iran
Smooth_O: Iraq
Life in AsiaNZ: Applause
gordasm: Good
inju: Good magazine: game theory
ed100: Wal Mart is Bigger than Manhattan
mel brava: AMERICA LOVE IT OR (Fix it)
mel brava: (America Love it or) FIX IT
mel brava: Slide from Affinity Session Design for People Who Give a Damn
mel brava: Slide from Affinity Session Design for People Who Give a Damn
Hungry Grace: GOOD Magazine
Markus Krisetya: Choose Good, do good, have fun
Markus Krisetya: The Good party
jessohackberry: Good Magazine DC Party
baboon™: my wallpaper
Steve Webel: iPod Hong Kong
stu_spivack: P1000600
Thomas Hawk: Toy Houses
Super*Junk: office supplies and co-workers
kate*: K-mart in Lincoln
miskan: Kuwait Stock Exchange