gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 564: At that ages, if Cinderella pursued the Prince Charming with this car...would she be successful too?
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 563: Small Effel
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 562: More serous homemade food for welcoming the friends from far away...Hum..qualified enough to open a restaurant or not?! 😋
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 561: Homemade culinary journey
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 560: Les Sables d'Olonne. was told that there is the best beach with white sand in whole France. A short stay, but nice memory has been registered....
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 559: The surprisingly nice Tours
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 558: Hide under the tree from the heat wave in Paris...
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 558: Hide under the tree from the heat wave in Paris...
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 557: One more interesting restaurant joins to the big family of Bercy Village.
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 556: Houses under the bridge
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 555: Have a seat please...If you can...
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 554: Someone starts to play the new toy....😏
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 553: That's the advantage to live on the top floor....
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 552: Fishing man
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 551: Reading, is a pleasure, not easy to get in, and not easy to get out either....
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 550: Grow up, not just the kids, us too.
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 549: Disconnected with the world for 2 days...finally out, recharging under the sunshine....feel....soooo good! 😎😄
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 548: The 4th day of losing voice...After all the modern medicines which didn't do a good job, I finally go for the natural and traditional method. At least, they please the eyes! 😎
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 548: The 4th day of losing voice...After all the modern medicines which didn't do a good job, I finally go for the natural and traditional method. At least, they please the eyes! 😎
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 547: Dumpling + Horrible movie...what a life....
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 546: A meteor shot across the sky...
gonewithwind-Mei: [ My Photo Diary] of Day 545: Two Leo girls' combined birthday party
gonewithwind-Mei: [ My Photo Diary] of Day 544: This surprise birthday party , one more time, proves to me how important and precious the true friendship is, again . Thank you guys, for so many years, you are always here for me! Love you all! 😘😭
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 543: Someone said, this kind of sunset glow means.......tomorrow it will be hot.
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 542: No title
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 541: First Five Guys landed in Paris..long queue..But the question is, why?
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 540: The birthday boy
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 539: The moment belongs to father and son
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 538: What is a "serious" meal? Not just a good quality, also a big quantity! 🐷
gonewithwind-Mei: 【My Photo Diary】of Day 537: On the road