//golriz: we found love in a hopeless artichoke field.
//golriz: IS THIS REAL LIFE?!? also: note the one bud that refuses to conform to peer pressure.
//golriz: when I picked him up from daycare today he gave me this card. and then my heart exploded.
//golriz: just a papa and his boy.
//golriz: when you're in tennessee you get waarshed in the siyink.
//golriz: my little love.
//golriz: oprahpancake. :)
//golriz: my boy.
//golriz: matching hairstyles.
//golriz: our little one-toothed wonder.
//golriz: just a boy and his boppa.
//golriz: way to slay me, baby.
//golriz: first piano lesson
//golriz: poster child.
//golriz: what effin' posers.
//golriz: downtown LA always delivers.
//golriz: blue bird
//golriz: trio
//golriz: like father, like son, (30 years have *somehow* passed between these photos)
//golriz: happy 1st father's day @devongundry!
//golriz: seemingly overnight, our 14 week old baby turned into a little boy.
//golriz: spring in san francisco
//golriz: serried lines
//golriz: housey
//golriz: horsey
//golriz: yup 7up
//golriz: playlist for people watching