The Moog Image Dump: Toy Collector slash Hoarder
XjaybirdX: Yokai town
Kuolio: 20151013_120221
Kuolio: 20151013_120029
Beautification Syndrome: Butanohana Alien Zarab Postman & Ikarus Postman
Beautification Syndrome: Butanohana Dustman & Alien Zarab Postman (OG)
Beautification Syndrome: Butanohana Dustman
Beautification Syndrome: Butanohana Alien Zarab Postman (OG) & Dustman
Beautification Syndrome: Butanohana Pixlromatic
Beautification Syndrome: Toy Collection 2015
chipnchic: #ApesJapan gorillas come in two colourways of each sculpt before they ran into licensing issue and never seen the daylight again #oneruntoy
chipnchic: Look of #Butanohana #チバQ
chipnchic: Continuing the #butanohana theme, these painted micros are superb! Scissor paper stone
chipnchic: Still on the #butanohana mood; focusing on some Ohashi arts
chipnchic: Painted #Butanohana micros pop
chipnchic: Still missing some of the ever growing army of #Butanohana micros
eat balls: Happy new year.
XjaybirdX: Simians
toothaction: Rock, Scissors, Paper Lion 2012
The Moog Image Dump: MVH Vs The Moog
The Moog Image Dump: Unicycle Egg Toys
chipnchic: Family III Party time with #Anraku #Drunkboy #酒吞童子 #安楽安作
chipnchic: Single I #Pushead x #HxS #MechaGorillaJu This series of minis from hxs is really well made; Would have been really nice to collect them all but its too tough and costly
dcoffman1: unpainted
Kuolio: yellow
JohnnySokko: Hirota x Saigansho Mecha Gorilla Jyu Ju MG2
JohnnySokko: Hirota x Saigansho Mecha Gorilla Jyu Ju MG2
EVOM: full buta shelf
Kuolio: DSCN2341
Kuolio: DSCN2305