makai.makai: Our A team
makai.makai: Rigging the KOA kanoe
makai.makai: Ok, need to do this every hour?
makai.makai: New product photos coming @bigislandbees
makai.makai: bee keeper no.7 !
makai.makai: Photoshoot for big island bees honey @bigislandbees #kaola
makai.makai: with the KOA trees
makai.makai: quiet time of a regatta day #timeforawalk
makai.makai: Lunch !
makai.makai: Ok it's all yours, GOGO
makai.makai: #talkunderbluesky
makai.makai: another great day racing in Hilo bay #regatta #keoua #everybody watching
makai.makai: The story of three little piggies ~
makai.makai: another field trip to bee yard @ Pu'uwa'awa'a
makai.makai: Helped a friend moving a hive in a raining afternoon, look what happened when we open the hive in the rain, sorry ladies ~
makai.makai: Afternoon reading is precious
makai.makai: With an attitude, at least in my mind it is.
makai.makai: Field trip to Pu'uwa'awa'a bee yard
makai.makai: Field trip to Pu'uwa'awa'a bee yard
makai.makai: Field trip to Pu'uwa'awa'a bee yard
makai.makai: Field trip to Pu'uwa'awa'a bee yard
makai.makai: To paddle, or not to paddle
makai.makai: Climbed a bump yesterday (Pu'u Ku'ili)
makai.makai: The moment
makai.makai: Morning, Hilo, morning rainbow
makai.makai: Someone was trying to be a photographer #honeybee #seizethemoment
makai.makai: So a newly Kona resident friend asked me today " didn't you say it rarely rains in the morning here? " well it's really a unique year so far ! #rainingcatsanddogs
makai.makai: Morning