Goetz Burggraf: just a cultivation of a tradition
Goetz Burggraf: there are some cracks in this aging image
Goetz Burggraf: Layers of violent history — what is left afterall?
Goetz Burggraf: Winter in Germany
Goetz Burggraf: These are not just shadows on the wall — this heritage is real and ultimately forms the basis for the religiously motivated alteration of the character of fascist ideology.
Goetz Burggraf: In the end, a glorified struggle for the values of an imagined folk community [Volksgemeinschaft] will not protect those who are vulnerable, but will squeeze them into disguised concrete boxes, in which many of them will perish miserably.
Goetz Burggraf: something is missing today
Goetz Burggraf: remembrance of the past
Goetz Burggraf: Eventually, in the end, all heroes are dead.
Goetz Burggraf: NS War flag
Goetz Burggraf: Soviet War Memorial
Goetz Burggraf: NS eagle with swastika
Goetz Burggraf: Stalin in Berlin
Goetz Burggraf: Lenin — hidden in the forrest
Goetz Burggraf: NS eagle
Goetz Burggraf: mansplaining, the socialist way
Goetz Burggraf: beheaded NS Eagle
Goetz Burggraf: this chapter of history is closed
Goetz Burggraf: a Socialist dove with an olive branch
Goetz Burggraf: Forward to socialism
Goetz Burggraf: facing the war and its remembrance
Goetz Burggraf: Glory and honor to the heroes of the Soviet Army
Goetz Burggraf: Although "Fatherland" and Swastika have been lost as a result of the war, "Freedom" and "Honour" have been preserved as propagandistic voids until today.
Goetz Burggraf: some fragments of the past are always missing
Goetz Burggraf: the first President of Kazakhstan
Goetz Burggraf: German history, framed right (NS eagle meets German Social Democracy)
Goetz Burggraf: Here, between 1941 and 1944, the defense line of the city of Leningrad was held.
Goetz Burggraf: an image of Socialism as a man made society
Goetz Burggraf: it's mostly the work of the others, which makes some people fly high
Goetz Burggraf: a demonstration of equality