Gareth Strong: IMG_6426
Gareth Strong: IMG_6457
Gareth Strong: IMG_6459
Gareth1953 Granddad at last!: Miss Havisham - Second Hand Furniture Shop in Rye - Jan 2009
polyscene: tissue paper sculpture - shrunken skull
polyscene: tissue paper sculpture - skull
nightcloud1: odds and ends
Sara Lechner: Ireland
Sara Lechner: look how your garden grows/schau wie dein garten wächst
toti_kaida: Matchbox size quilt
calamity kim: discharged with bleach
Highland Fairy: small textured scale bottle
Danny W. Mansmith: small altar to your own magic1
LeilaBadblood: bubby doll quilt reverse
denise carbonell: chartruese velvets recycled from an old party dress i used to wear to the mudd club
reneetroy: Abundance for Rose
reneetroy: Wood collage
reneetroy: She knew
reneetroy: Flor Larios and Bark
reneetroy: KC Willis and Bark
skyblueseaskybluesea: Beautiful Wednesday
skyblueseaskybluesea: Beautiful Wednesday (detail)
jude hill: patchwork heart applique
peregrine blue: freehand heart embroidery
humbert15: Ruby ignites the effigy
Alicia Paulson: Alicia's Log Cabin Quilt for Quake Survivors