Bagel!: Ready to ride to Livermore
Bagel!: The group for the Livermore ride
Bagel!: My Vespa GTS 300 on Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: My Vespa GTS 300 on Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: Panorama view from Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: Panorama view from Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: Panorama view from Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: Panorama view from Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: The group at Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: The group at Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: The group at Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: The group at Mt Hamilton
Bagel!: Second stop: The Junction
Bagel!: Stopping to regroup at Felter Rd
Bagel!: Stopping to regroup at Felter Rd
Bagel!: Stopping to regroup at Felter Rd
Bagel!: Stopping to regroup at Felter Rd
Bagel!: Arriving back in San Jose
Bagel!: Arriving back in San Jose
Bagel!: Arriving back in San Jose
Bagel!: Arriving back in San Jose
Bagel!: Raffle winners ready to test their keys
Bagel!: We have a winner!
Bagel!: Congratulations Linda!
Bagel!: The happy winner
Bagel!: Checking out the new scoot
Bagel!: Yay!
Bagel!: A new toy
Bagel!: Jesse arriving at the Lodge
Bagel!: Parking lot at the Los Gatos Lodge