Bagel!: You know you're in Montana when...
Bagel!: Mileage for the day
Bagel!: In from the dusty road
Bagel!: At the Country Side Inn
Bagel!: Three down, seven to go
Bagel!: The home stretch for day three
Bagel!: Into the plains
Bagel!: Five of a kind
Bagel!: Five windmills
Bagel!: More windmills
Bagel!: Farmland
Bagel!: Windmills on the horizon
Bagel!: Descending into the final stretch for the day
Bagel!: A straight shot
Bagel!: Ancient rock formations
Bagel!: The view ahead
Bagel!: Cresting a hill
Bagel!: Prarie nestled in between the hills
Bagel!: Forested land
Bagel!: Green hilltops
Bagel!: Rural hills
Bagel!: Civilization
Bagel!: Bair Reservoir
Bagel!: Bair Reservoir
Bagel!: Bair Reservoir
Bagel!: A gentle curve
Bagel!: Cattle in the fields
Bagel!: Riding through the afternoon shade
Bagel!: Hills and clouds
Bagel!: Sparse trees