Bagel!: Mr. Hankey gingerbread cookies
Bagel!: Noshing on appetizers
Bagel!: Time for the White Elephant exchange
Bagel!: Watching expectantly
Bagel!: Andy gets MAD!
Bagel!: A collection of old MAD magazines
Bagel!: Pete having a drink
Bagel!: Jen gets a Santa hot plate!
Bagel!: Pete gets two DVD's
Bagel!: Callum opens his gift
Bagel!: A shawl?
Bagel!: What am I gonna do with this?
Bagel!: Jesse having fun with the magnets
Bagel!: Ta da!
Bagel!: Fun for kids of all ages
Bagel!: Spinning candies
Bagel!: Round and round
Bagel!: Touché!
Bagel!: A flurry of swashbuckling
Bagel!: Get him while he's down!
Bagel!: Pete makes a comeback!
Bagel!: The battle continues
Bagel!: A furious battle
Bagel!: Wanna trade?
Bagel!: En garde!
Bagel!: Andy relaxing
Bagel!: Bonk!
Bagel!: Josh battling two kids
Bagel!: Tuckered out