Bagel!: Heading out of the city
Bagel!: I-80 East
Bagel!: Meet-up in Sacramento
Bagel!: Back on the trail to Tahoe
Bagel!: Heading east
Bagel!: Cameron Airport
Bagel!: Cameron Airpark Estates
Bagel!: An airplane in the driveway!
Bagel!: Super wide streets
Bagel!: Another plane in the driveway
Bagel!: Nice little sport plane!
Bagel!: Road to the airport
Bagel!: Everybody has an airplane around here!
Bagel!: Bundled up
Bagel!: Cruising down the street five wide!
Bagel!: Black squadron, you are cleared for takeoff
Bagel!: Another house, another plane
Bagel!: Two WWII planes in this hangar!
Bagel!: Nice spread!
Bagel!: Cool old aluminum plane
Bagel!: Sweet!
Bagel!: Very short street signs
Bagel!: Plane at home
Bagel!: Woud that be a shortstop?
Bagel!: Into the Sierras
Bagel!: Scoots in the back
Bagel!: Thick smoke ahead
Bagel!: Smoke from the wildfires
Bagel!: Pressing on toward Tahoe
Bagel!: Peering into the smoky distance