Bagel!: What a day for a ride!
Bagel!: En route to the Santa Cruz Mountains
Bagel!: Thank you every one
Bagel!: Thanks firefighters
Bagel!: Thanks firefighters & support crews
Bagel!: Summit Road
Bagel!: On top of the mountain
Bagel!: Should we keep going or turn back?
Bagel!: Burned trees
Bagel!: On we go
Bagel!: Heading toward the burn areas
Bagel!: Scarred hillside
Bagel!: Torched trees in the background
Bagel!: Stopping to wait for fire crews
Bagel!: Scorched mountainside
Bagel!: Charred timber
Bagel!: Dry roasted trees
Bagel!: Riding along the ridge
Bagel!: Scorched earth
Bagel!: Desolated forest
Bagel!: Fire line
Bagel!: Burned hillsides
Bagel!: Charred brush
Bagel!: Torched
Bagel!: Edge of the burn
Bagel!: Burned to the ground
Bagel!: Dessicated trees
Bagel!: Browned and burned
Bagel!: Burned up to the roadside
Bagel!: Burned brush