Bagel!: The view from Mt. Hamilton
Bagel!: Looking toward the San Francisco Bay
Bagel!: The south end of the San Francisco Bay
Bagel!: Shoot the moon
Bagel!: View of the East Bay hills
Bagel!: Sun getting low over the hills
Bagel!: Smaller observatory at Mt. Hamilton
Bagel!: Another observatory at Mt. Hamilton
Bagel!: Zooming in on the mountaintop
Bagel!: Pinecone
Bagel!: The Lick Observatory's 36-inch refractor
Bagel!: 36-inch refracting telescope
Bagel!: Underneath the telescope
Bagel!: Behind the telescope
Bagel!: Goldenrod fields in an orchard
Bagel!: Sunset over the orchard
Bagel!: Peach colored skies
Bagel!: Fruit tree silhouettes
Bagel!: A brighter view
Bagel!: Sunset beyond the hills
Bagel!: Far out!
Bagel!: San Jose at night, from Mt. Hamilton
Bagel!: San Jose at night, from Mt. Hamilton
Bagel!: The Santa Clara Valley, from Mt. Hamilton
Bagel!: South San Jose at night
Bagel!: South San Jose at night
Bagel!: San Jose at night with airplane landing
Bagel!: San Jose at night