Bagel!: Big rocks along the side of the road
Bagel!: Being followed by several Vespas
Bagel!: Being followed by a Bastard on a GTS
Bagel!: Up and over a hill
Bagel!: Pausing to regroup
Bagel!: Waiting for the stragglers
Bagel!: Riding around the reservoir
Bagel!: Clear skies, open road
Bagel!: Lisa following me on her ET4
Bagel!: Cruising past some very low water
Bagel!: Stopping off at Uvas Reservoir
Bagel!: Taking a break at Uvas Reservoir
Bagel!: Scoots at Uvas Reservoir
Bagel!: Scoots at Uvas Reservoir
Bagel!: Yes - It Goes Fast ... No - You Can't Ride It
Bagel!: Uvas Reservoir
Bagel!: On toward Morgan Hill
Bagel!: The back of the pack
Bagel!: Following Brian on his Vespa PK
Bagel!: Scooting down the road
Bagel!: Nice curves
Bagel!: Following Amberley through the hills
Bagel!: Riding past the lake
Bagel!: Rolling on down the road