Bagel!: My 1979 Vespa P200E
Bagel!: My P2
Bagel!: BLU P2
Bagel!: A very pink pledge banner
Bagel!: Lotsa 3s
Bagel!: Entering California
Bagel!: Alone in the desert
Bagel!: Meet up at Denny's in Santa Cruz
Bagel!: Taking a break
Bagel!: Brian's GL and my P200
Bagel!: My P200 and Brian's GL
Bagel!: Brian's GL and my P200
Bagel!: VBB with two P's
Bagel!: Brian's GL and my P200
Bagel!: An official member of the VCLG!
Bagel!: My Vespa P200E
Bagel!: Bagel, with Vespa
Bagel!: Motor from my P200
Bagel!: P200, sans horn cover
Bagel!: The dismantling begins
Bagel!: Stripping the frame
Bagel!: Extensive frame damage at the rear
Bagel!: Metal fatigue
Bagel!: 35256.8 and she gave up the ghost
Bagel!: Headset wiring
Bagel!: Parts on the shelf
Bagel!: Getting bare
Bagel!: Old cables
Bagel!: Old cables
Bagel!: Vespa P200 voltage regulator