GMA Lou: DSC01003.jpg
GMA Lou: Mother's Day Tulips from Shana and Erik.
GMA Lou: DSC00346.jpg
GMA Lou: Acacia in front of house
GMA Lou: Acacia
GMA Lou: IMG_4997.jpg
GMA Lou: IMG_4993.jpg
GMA Lou: IMG_4977.jpg
GMA Lou: Ayer Lake BTA, Turtle on rock.
GMA Lou: Cluster flower on Cardon Cactus, BTA
GMA Lou: Salt River Wild Horses
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GMA Lou: My Fish!!
GMA Lou: IMG_3922.jpg
GMA Lou: Mount Shasta
GMA Lou: Mt. Shasta
GMA Lou: Great horned owl baby in our neighborhood.
GMA Lou: Hummers at BTA
GMA Lou: BTA Spider webs
GMA Lou: IMG_3665.jpg
GMA Lou: Echinopsis in Leisure World, Mesa, AZ
GMA Lou: Merganzers at GWR
GMA Lou: IMG_3313.jpg
GMA Lou: IMG_3238.jpg
GMA Lou: IMG_3211.jpg
GMA Lou: IMG_3134.jpg
GMA Lou: Gila Woodpecker in front of house
GMA Lou: Big horns on Canyon lake bank, AZ
GMA Lou: Tortilla Flats, AZ
GMA Lou: Visiting gramps. He will be home tomorrow.