elkeponte: early morning (4 von 1)
alaskite: George Orwell, 1984
David Bembic: Around
JJ.BT: now, you look at me straight into the eyes
kristinabrb: Baugelände
Chan, Danny: Hong Kong Public Housing Estate
riddance77: Testbild
John Mickevich: Happy Veterans Day, expired Tri-X 400, Pentax K1000
4Spo: kiss in black
Alexandr Tikki: Hey, Four-eyes !
endymionphoto: © EndYmioN – Damien Guyon. Tous droits réservés - Black & White / Noir & Blanc
Giuliano Belli: She, in red, in the wood...
Analip: Eye
mark fitzell: Jackie
Johann Ebend: Im Watt
Bastian K: Unbenannt