Fotolando: IMG_6842
AviAntonio: Anada i tornada
-Ana Lía-: Una calle bordeada de iris del pantano. /A street lined with marsh irises.
Peter raincoast: Night Skiing
Rafael Zenon Wagner: eternal change
alfonsocarlospalencia: Adiós a un mito
Pedro Mil963: Arcoiris
Hrybiuk: Andrew's Descent
Hrybiuk: Haivoron
hans pohl: El Periodico
Apollos211: DSCF4523ILFRDTN-Sgn
denn22: 297A9431
denn22: 297A9434
jmlpyt: Article de presse France Bleue Champagne-Ardenne
Jose Luis RDS: Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE)
Jose Luis RDS: Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE)
Phelan (Shutter Clickin) Goodman: .444 Glencoe, Scotland
Pedro Mil963: Partitura
Paulo Kelly: The photographer - a shadow of his present self!
BleakCabal: first snow
lucia yunes: todo tempo do mundo
Nathalie Robin: Furtive sensation...
Mrxh00: Orion Nebula.......
Manoo Mistry: Alfredo Kraus Auditorium
Manoo Mistry: Alfredo Kraus Auditorium
ricardocarmonafdez: Placid memories
Küstenknipser: Nebel über dem Kanal