Daniel Nocera: Lavanda -
Daniel Nocera: Vortice rosa
Daniel Nocera: K i k i
Daniel Nocera: You and me could write a bad romance -
Daniel Nocera: Eaters ;
Morelli's: Predazzo 036
rosiehardy: Hands All Over
alexstoddard: The love that got away.
alexstoddard: The nature of the lonely.
Martina Bertacchi: Questione di luci.
Penny Wong.: A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.
dadoriccio: ...la vita umana...
"Toledo": Caterpillar.......... macro...
ramon.vmorales: Patricia
Wolfgang Staudt: Devils Garden IV
amish_patel: more colours in my umbrella than yours..................
.I Travel East.: De Colores de Nikon.
Sven Olle Baljeu: "Time crumbles things; everything grows old under the power of Time and is forgotten through the lapse of Time." | HDR
AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora: We live in a world full of AWESOME!
Nas 9: Wish ! Hope ! Starbucks Makes your Day Better !
dhmig: FOR flying_reindeer { e Becky ♥ }
Garethwhiston.com: Astbury Church sunset, Cheshire
Garethwhiston.com: Flower B&W
Letters From Juliet: I need a break
Marta °: La Carie Più Viva Resti Solo