Alzheimer1: Ceropegia sandersonii
olwynam1: Froghopper/Spittlebug
succulentsafrica: Adenia Somalense
GREGORIUZ: Commiphora wightii
John Game: Calochortus tiburonensis with moth
B.ochando: Inside of dandelion
PacificKlaus: Living on the Crinoid
ExposureDDD: Bagan, ancient temples in mist at sunrise
Succulentisima: Crassula barklyi
Martin_Heigan: Hoodia pilifera X Hoodia gordonii hybrid flower - Corona Macro
graftedno1: Huernia kennedyana.
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Hooktip Moths (Oreta sp., Oretinae, Drepanidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Lymantriine Moth (Arctornis sp., Lymantriinae, Erebidae)
Jim Morefield: star lily, Leucocrinum montanum
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel: Sunset Moth Scales
Lord V: Gerbera flower centre 10X
edu aguilera: Grand Canyon 2016-24
zinnia2012: Autumn abstract
Simon.Harrison: Acacia Erioloba
tom.leuzi: Racing against the Protons
bayramkus: Portrait of a Hellhound
Jorge Molina Herrera: Mundo de cactus
Jim Morefield: rock spiraea, Petrophytum caespitosum subsp. caespitosum
Ireneusz Irass Walędzik: Porcellio scaber.
alfonsoj.exposito: Ornate Ghost Pipefish (SIZE: to 11 cm)
Jaume Rigo: Hoodia sp.
strik33: Roger Williams Botanical Center