Calle Söderberg:
Soft Flower, Soft Bumblebee, Pt. 2 - _TNY_6731
Nico's wild bees & wasps:
Thyreus ramosus
Fred Canon:
Minature bee on tiny flowers (Red Robin bush)
Fred Canon:
Andrena scotica (Chocolate mining bee) ?
Anthophora plumipes ♂ (hairy-footed flower bee)
Nico's wild bees & wasps:
Halictus sexcinctus
henry jurenka:
Pure Green Sweat Bee (Augochlora pura)
Redhorned Platydema
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle
ホシホウジャク (Macroglossum pyrrhosticta)
Common wasp queen (Vespula Vulgaris)
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso:
Pretty Beetle, Chlamisus sp., Cryptocephalinae
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso:
Treehoppers, Membracis foliata c-album
Calle Söderberg:
Kid's Meal, Pt. 4 - _TNY_6206
Calle Söderberg:
"One Ring to Rule Them All", Pt. 4 - _TNY_6052
Calle Söderberg:
The Perfect Habitat - TNY_2476
Calle Söderberg:
Yellow is the New Green, Pt. 2 - _TNY_8050S3
Calle Söderberg:
Big Yellow Ball of Food - _TNY_8166
Calle Söderberg:
Fuzzbomb - _TNY_8186
Calle Söderberg:
The Small Bee - _TNY_7961
Mary Keim:
Rosy Camphorweed (Pluchea baccharis)
Mary Keim:
Florida Feathershank (Schoenocaulon dubium)
Mary Keim:
Florida Milkweed (Asclepias feayi)
Mary Keim:
Manyflowered Grasspink (Calopogon multiflorus)
Calle Söderberg:
Sticky Pollen - _TNY_4566
Calle Söderberg:
No Ghost - Just Shell - _TNY_5439