glittergoods: all "priced" and ready to go
glittergoods: bead kits, little bags of wool for felting
glittergoods: clothespin doll kits all packaged up
glittergoods: clothespin doll instruction sheet
glittergoods: clothespin doll supplies
glittergoods: clothespin doll kits for kindergarten class "store"
glittergoods: felted tree...on fire!
glittergoods: felted tree
glittergoods: kindergarten class takes on plastic bag felting
glittergoods: stack of kindergarten felting projects
glittergoods: 12squared May, bonus block 3
glittergoods: 12squared May, block 2
glittergoods: 12squared May, block 1
glittergoods: getting ready to quilt
glittergoods: mom's birthday quilt, freshly washed
glittergoods: tag detail
glittergoods: mom's birthday quilt, mid-quilt
glittergoods: mom's birthday quilt, back
glittergoods: birthday quilt for my mom
glittergoods: my centerpiece at the live auction dinner
glittergoods: Friday night pizza
glittergoods: o, ranunculus
glittergoods: flower "tree" at the auction
glittergoods: had to try the hexes
glittergoods: neighborhood flower pot, view 1
glittergoods: neighborhood flower pot, view 2
glittergoods: neighborhood flower pot, view 3
glittergoods: wedding-style flower fairy
glittergoods: weekend reading
glittergoods: paper auction flowers