Bruno Conjeaud: Everyone dreamed to have an orange butterfly as friend
Izuru Toki: Atlantic walruses on a small piece of ice #0305614
Gaston Maqueda: Manati Antillano - West Indian Manatee - Crystal River - US
ABPhotosUK: Long-tailed Tit
Francesc Candel: Welcome to slow air.
Daniel Cadieux: Winter Shrew
Rémi Bigonneau: Ochotona rutila
N_A_Waters: American Pika
wanderingYew2 (thanks for 6M+ total views!): Tortuga Lodge: Sleeping Bats closeup
Terathopius: Lowland Steaked Tenrec, Mantadia, Madagascar
MissGarfield: Elephant inside | Kurzohrrüsselspringer - round-eared elephant shrew (Macroscelides proboscideus)
Paul B Jones: Pallas's Long-tongued Bat - Glossophaga soricina
tontantravel: Dusky Langur, Trachypithecus obscurus leaping in Kaeng Krachan national park
SBGrad: Long nosed fruit bats
ian hull: Brown Hare - Sunset Silhouette (1 of 1)
lauren_larsenn: Great Horned Owl
lauren_larsenn: Rose Breasted Grosbeak
lauren_larsenn: Short Eared Owl
gcampbellphoto: When Squirrels Attack! (Sciurus vulgaris)
ashleytisme: Rafinesque's big-eared bat, Corynorhinus rafinesquii
Steph Libernaventure: DSC08411 - ² - Seychelles, Moyenne : Roussette, chauve-souris frugivore / Flying fox, fruits eater bat
volesandfriends: Shrew Showing Red Teeth
TOTORORO.RORO: Snowy Owl Fantastic Five
takeruyamato44: The American Bison
dorneyphoto: Three Golden Stub-nosed Monkies
Cruzin Canines Photography: A New Day Dawning
Matthieu Berroneau: Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
BIKERBUG: Hovering Kestrel ...
Yardie 83: Puff Ball
ian hull: Red Stag - breathe! (1 of 1)